Monday, April 7, 2008

Savaged in Public

I was beaten apart, molested and torched alive in public today. Not a single soul came to my rescue. All men and women gathered around and watched me being tortured and ripped apart. They weren’t enjoying but didn’t have the guts to take on the miscreants. It is a shame that I am a part of this society. I had helped a lot of those people who were silent spectators. The miscreants first attacked me with hockey sticks and iron rods and shouted abusive slogans. Then they ripped apart my insides and finally torched me alive and ran away from the place. Only after their disappearance, did the public come together to put down the fire. I was rushed to the hospital with 3rd degree burns and with only a trace of life lingering in me. The scene that I witnessed in the hospital was even more shocking and unpalatable.

I found four of my friends too admitted with severe injuries. One of them has already been declared dead. Pain and agony engulfed me but I was too weak to even cry. They too had been attacked at their home by an angry mob. I cannot digest the injustice that is being committed against my community. We’ve always been the chosen ones, when it comes to showing off frustration and anger. Be it a bandth or a college strike or political riot we are the victims. An atrocity against us becomes a symbol of success for them. I laugh in my insides looking at the cowards who attacked me. They didn’t have the guts to take on a matching opposition. It’s an irony that they have been blessed with six senses while we are being classed as non-living.

From our birth to death we carry out the duties assigned to us of safely transporting the humans between different places. We take them to their loved ones and give them memories that they cherish. We work tirelessly both day and nights to meet their demands. They give us due respect and treat us royally one day in a year and they call the day as Ayutha Pooja. We are garlanded and worshipped on that day alone. But we’ve learnt not to expect much from the race after we saw the treatment that was meted out to the person who secured freedom for them. His statues were erected all around the country for birds to excrete. The statues gain significance only on his birthday, Independence Day and Republic Day when all politicians garland them and give lectures on his principles. So it’s no surprise when we receive the same treatment.

From the conversation between the doctors operating on me, I’ve learnt that my hopes of survival are bleak. It’s a matter of minutes before I rest in peace. I’ve serviced the human race to the best of my ability. I haven’t provided a complete return on the investments made on me, courtesy the miscreants. I hope God doesn’t hold this against me.
And I’ve been one of the fortunate ones to know the actual reason behind the ruthless attack on me. It’s the water sharing issue between the two states that I operate.
Hail the human race.

TN 21 –D


Anonymous said...

touching and eye opening..

lefty84 said...

@ girl next door: Thanks! This was an different attempt to project a situation from a different perspective.
Courtesy -movie Vantage point where in the same incident is shown from 5 different view points.


Anonymous said...

oh ok..but a very nice attempt

Unknown said...

hey Srini...nice one dude...I thought one of the best ones you have written...kalakkitte

Zendagi Migzara said...

Yes indeed a different perspective. Well written.. However subtle it seems at a glance the message is quite direct..
Cheers Buddy!!!

lefty84 said...

@ karthik: Thanks da machi!

@Sheena: Yeah! Wanted to send across a message. And tried presenting it in a different way


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