Thursday, April 9, 2009

Just to Say

I’ve told you all what not to do

Blamed you for not doing things you ought to do

But little did I realize

That I haven’t really appreciated you

For all the things you’ve done for me


Be it dress you wear which shows your flair

Or the make up stuff that keeps you fair

You’ve changed them all in haste

Just to ensure that it suits my taste


You’ve cut down both on your spending spree

And roaming around shopping when you’re free

Your parlor visits have now become sparse

As a natural beauty you come across


Through words I may have not put across

That I value all these you’ve done for me

So I take my time now just to say

That I treasure the changes you’ve made in your way

Just for me


Zendagi Migzara said...

A simple and sweet poem!!

How's you been, Long time!!

lefty84 said...

Thanks! I am doin fine. Howz you?

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Srini Speaks by Srinivasan R is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 2.5 India License.